Thursday, February 3, 2011

The world of Narnia

As I drove around this morning I felt like I was in Narnia. Ice coated trees, plants, houses and roads glistened in the sunlight. It was beautiful. It made me dream of how much fun it will be to share with Lucy some of my favorite books. I hope with every ounce of my being that she will be the type of kid to find joy in using her imagination playing with boxes, sheets, and loads of other ordinary items. I hope that she will take time to explore the wondrous creation that God has given her. I long for the days that we will read the Chronicles of Narnia and seeing the glow in her eyes as she reads about Lucy, Susan, Edmond, and Peter. I anticipate the day I can share with her my love for Harry Potter and the wonderfully imaginative world that is Hogwarts.
I look forward to her discovering how powerful the mind is and how great books can be! I look forward to her solving mysteries along with Trixie Belden, casting spells with Ron, Harry and Hermione, Walking Two Moons with Salamanca, hidding from the Nazi's with Anne, and so many wonderful expeditions into her imagination. 

I've noticed with so many of the kids I work with today how they don't like to read and they don't really have much for imaginations. I hope that Lucy is able to dream, explore and grow outside the pre-made world of video games, tv, etc. The thing I love most about books is that they can take you anywhere, you can do anything, be anyone. You get to go on adventures you might never take in real life and they help you learn how to dream and dream big! 
I honestly have never liked a movie more then a book. I always feel like it never lives up to the world in my mind that has been created as I read. I hope that when Lucy gets older and she see's her world covered in ice that it will take her back to Narnia just as it did for me this morning!
Tonight I'm working on making banners for the bridal shower I can't wait to see how they turn out!


  1. I would much rather read a book. You can let you imagination run wild. I wish I could get Wyatt to sit still long enough to read a book. I cannot hold his interest and it bothers me. Its so much more fun then that stupid old television and toys in my opinion.

  2. I'm trying to read to Lucy every night before bed so she get's used to it. I'm hoping that will help as she gets older!
