Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bridal Shower Decoration Creations:1- Cupcake Toppers

 Okay, since the bridal shower we are having for my brother's fiance is at my house it's my job to deal with all the decorations and dessert. (My mom is graciously making all the food!) So my first thought- dessert- cake? pfft everyone does cake for these sorts of things to here's my thought for my birthday last year I got a super cute cupcake tower display thingy-ma-bobber that I've been itching to use and by golly I'm going to! We're going to have cupcakes! I also got pampered chef cake decorator thingy from my sister that she never used so I'm going cupcake crazy! So step one to my fabulous cupcakes is making cupcake toppers.... First of all I started out cutting out L's, C's and J's and I heart you's with my cricut:

L's C's and J's
Then I got out pink and brown paper (Jenn's color choices) and cut them up into squares

Then came the fun part, I added all the letter's and the I love you's! and here's my almost finished product!:

Monogrammed Cupcake Toppers
I love you cupcake toppers
These are my almost finished products: the first layer of paper will be glued to the front side of a tooth pick and the second piece of paper will be glued to the back to give it a slight layered effect. I'm pretty excited about how they are turning out so far! And even better yet they have cost me nothing! (Which I'll be honest is what I'm hoping my deocration total comes to!) I'm still debating though if I want to cut the edges of the second piece with patterned scissors to give them a bit more character...We'll see, I might try it!
My next creation will be a couple banners one that say's Congrats and another that says Love and a third that says I do!
I'm still looking for a piece of wood to make Lucy's growth chart out of so one of these days when I get that I'll be doing some painting and decoupage (is that the right spelling?) I'll keep you updated on my banners and other decorations as I make them! Hope you're having a great day!