Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day Picture Story!

Valentines day! It was a good day so I'm going to give you the story through pictures:

Sunday night I made these cookies for Tyler which he ended up pretty much devouring!
cookies for Tyler
 I also made his card that night (he was working out of town so I got to have some time to be creative! It was fun!)
card for Tyler
 We got Lucy some new outfits that are in her growing size! Doesn't she look cute?!
Lucy in her Valentines gift from mommy and daddy
 Tyler got me flowers delivered to my office and they are beautiful! He also got me an adorable precious moment figurine and some candy:
my beautiful gifts from Tyler
 adorable right?
adorable isn't it!?
 Then Lucy and I took some pictures and played for a few hours until daddy got home:
Me and my valentine!
 She worked very hard to "make" us a valentine!
Lucy "made" us a card at daycare today

she does very professional work! haha!
 She's very talented already haha! Here's her stash of valentines from daycare:

all Lucy's valentines from daycare!
 yes, she really got a Harry Potter Valentine: I giggled when I saw it!
a Harry Potter valentine!
 Here's the cards I made for Tyler and Lucy sunday night:
Cards I made for Lucy and Tyler
 We then attempted a good family valentines day photo....important word here was attempted...
Our family on Valentines day take 1
 Tyler started off making a funny face then switched so I am the weird one here...
our Family on Valentines day take 2

take 3...we gave up!
 And as you could tell Lucy got distracted so we gave up...and she got to fly!

super baby!
 Then we dove into the giant heart shaped cookies:

Tyler and his giant heart shaped cookies I made him
 Lucy then cuddled the night away:
Lucy snuggling with her bear and daddy
It was a good valentines day with the two loves of my life :)

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! Looks like you guys had alot of fun.
