Thursday, January 20, 2011

My dream projects

So, every year, Tyler and I have been doing projects around the house- both minor and major ones. The first year we lived here we painted every room, installed new toilets, shower doors, put up a couple new ceiling fans/lights in two of the bedrooms. The second year we built a deck out our back door, fenced in the back yard for the dogs, installed a new back door and new french doors off our room out to the patio and completely redid the landscaping all around the house. Last year we replaced all the linoleum flooring with tile and got rid of the claw foot tub and installed a wonderful jacuzzi tub and replaced the carpet in the basement along with painting two of the bathrooms and one hallway. We also decorated/painted Lucy's room and replaced all the lights in the kitchen, dining room, and hallways (they were reallllllly outdated and sad looking).

This year Tyler and I have been talking about the projects we'd like to tackle next and well since we had Lucy we're going to be holding off for a bit which I'm kinda sad about. I love taking on these projects! So for today since I don't get to do any of them this year (well, unless I can talk Tyler into some of them!) I thought I'd share our dreams with you all!

My kitchen: our kitchen has very depressing green laminate counter tops that have scratch marks and dings all over them not to mention the grease stains. (I've come to realize the people who lived here before us didn't exactly take care of things...) Our hope is to get something much more durable along with a new sink. My biggest dream for the kitchen is a new stove/oven. The one that is in the house when we bought it has two burners on one side and a grill top on the other...we attempted to use the "indoor grill" once but it smoked up the house like crazy and kept making the smoke detectors go off plus it was a huuuuuuge mess to deal with. (Seriously don't get one! Grills belong outside!) Plus I would seriously love to cook more then two things at a time sometimes. And to top it off I'm about 89.78% sure that the people who lived here before us never cleaned it and that's why it will never ever look clean no matter what I attempt to clean it with...

that's my someday dream stove!

Our next hope is to turn our wood burning fire place into a gas log fire place. I love the wood burning one but the smoke drives my allergies crazy...I will miss being able to make smores mid winter over an actual fire though. We also would love to replace the green tile that is around the fire place it's broken and cracked in several spots. We would also really like to make it a stone front fireplace like you would find in a cabin. Our house has a rustic feel to it, if you came here you'd know what I mean. And we like the cabin feel. (plus we don't intend to ever move. We love our house, it's the perfect size for a family of 4 or 5.)

my someday dream fireplace!
Well Lucy's waking up from her nap (I'm snowed in today! who knew grown-ups could get snow days too! I think God read my blog yesterday and thought I could use it!) Back to reality, I'll see you again someday dream world when I can talk Tyler into making you reality!

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