Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Weekend!

Oh it was a good/busy weekend.
Friday night, Tyler and I went to see Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, and Bill Engval. It was really funny, we laughed a lot. We headed into St. Louis and took the metro over to union station. We almost ate at the super fancy seafood place but the wait was too long and we didn't want to be late so we then tried Hard Rock cafe, same thing and we ended up having quizno's in the food court there. I laughed that we went from super fancy to your food on a tray. But it was fun none the less and I made Tyler promise me that someday we will get to eat at that super fancy sea food place! (I LOVE seafood and we don't get to eat it very tummy longs for some lobster!)
Saturday Lucy and I spent most of the day at home relaxing and doing some cleaning and then that night we went to a trivia night thing with several of our friends to help Tyler's little brother earn some money for his baseball team. We felt pretty dumb afterwards but laughed at the fact that the Nickelodeon round we won all ten points while the "older" teams missed out on several of them!
Sunday was busy with church as usual but it was nice. Tyler and I ended up going to bed around 9:30, it was great, I've been super tired lately.
And today, it snowed! How crazy is that?! Seriously, it's supposed to be 60 degrees here tomorrow and it snowed all morning. Craziness.
Anyway, I better go pick up Lucy from daycare! I'll share with you tomorrow what I make for dinner tonight! I've got several recipes I'm looking forward to trying out!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing comedians is one of my favorite kind of dates! Glad you had a good time!
