Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My First Full Week

Well in a couple of days I will have reached the mark of having been a stay-at-home-mom for one week! My house may not look any cleaner but, my desk, pantry, end tables and all the hidden storage spots are heaving a sigh of relief. Seriously, you might not see a difference but, boy the garbage man sure will, haha!
I start opening my doors next week to take care of a couple other kids so I'm trying to get all the nitty gritty stuff done this week...all while Lucy naps of course!

I can't even begin to say how grateful I already am to be able to have this time with my daughter. My level of stress has dropped astronomically and my general sense if relief is just wonderful. I love spending mornings snuggling and watching cartoons, playing, hearing her giggle echo throughout the house!
I wake up feeling relieved that I don't have to worry about missing more time with her...
My house might not look perfect but there's always going to be something baking in our home and memories being made. And, to me...that's much more important than dusting.
I will say though it has been a major test of my discipline. I could easily nap or read all afternoon but I want to keep up on things and not get overwhelmed at my messy house.
Now, to make up a weekly cleaning schedule to get a good routine going and make a menu board/binder so I can start keeping track of our favorite recipes!
So far, I am loving full time wife-mommyhood! (I think Lucy is loving it too!)
Here's a pic of Lucy and I on mothers day playing on the slide at my in-laws!

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