Sunday, April 22, 2012

Book Review- 'Have a New Husband by Friday' by Kevin Leman- Part 1

Did you know gives away free books? Well they do and sometimes they are really good ones!

Anyway, I was looking around one day at their free books and this one was offered so I figured hey, why not even if it sucks maybe I can learn something!

I've so far read about half of it and there is a few major points that I have had to remind myself of that I really appreciated being reminded of...
The first is what I wanted to share today... "here's the catch- your husband won't do his part until you do."

Okay, I know this concept won't be appreciated by everyone but, this is what it had been reminding me...
I can't expect anything from my husband if I'm not willing to give also. It's that vicious cycle that if I don't respect him he won't respect/love me.
I can keep us stuck in a vicious cycle or I can just step up and honor him.
Don't get me wrong I try very hard to respect/love him and we work very well together but as every couple does we do have some moments...
Since i will be a stay at home mom soon I know that I need to work even harder to show him my respect and appreciation. He will be the main bread winner and I need to express my appreciation for the money he brings home, the house we share, the time we spend together. I want him to know that I don't take for granted how hard he works to provide for our family.
I may not always like/agree with my husband but I know he deserves to be respected and appreciated and instead of being upset about something I will intentionally begin looking for more ways to praise him...after all I want him to know that I am and always will be his biggest cheerleader and supporter!
I am so very grateful for the gift that he is in my life. God had truly blessed me with my husband and I hope and pray that I daily I have the courage to treat my husband as the gift he is.
Anyway that's part one of the review! Have you read this book if so what did you think?

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