Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Secrets to a Happy Marriage

So lately I've been reading Karen Kingsbury's Firstborn Series. These ones:

I'm a big fan of her writing. And the most recent book I've been reading (Forever) shares 10 secrets to a happy marriage and I thought I'd share them with you...They are really good:
1. God has you here to serve one another. Love acted out is serving.
2. Women need respect and nurturing. Love your wife so she knows you'd lay your life down for her. Continue to date her and admire her. Share a hobby- find something you can do to have fun together.
3. Laugh often.
4. Be patient. Love crumbles quickly under the weight of unmet expectations.
5. Spend more time trying to fix yourself than your spouse.
6. Keep short accounts. The Bible says, "Do not let the sun go down while you are angry." Make it a habit to forgive.
7. Determine up front that divorce is not an option.
8. Learn about love languages. Not all people who love or recieve it the same way. You want a back rub and your spouse wants a clean kitchen. The love languages are fairly simple: acts of service, time, physical touch, gifts, and words of affirmation. Learn them. Love is better received when it's in the language that person speaks.
9. Words of affirmation are a love language for all men.
10. Men are born to be leaders. He cannot lead unless she gives him the confidence to do so. If you love your husband, build him up. Confident men do not seek love outside the home.

How many times have I myself forgotten some of these? After reading this I decided to put them into action. Last night I went home and told Tyler how proud of him that I am and that I love him and that I apperciate everything he does for Lucy and I. When was the last time I'd done that? I honestly can't remember telling him how proud of him I am lately. I tell other people how proud of him I am but I forget he needs to hear it too.
I am so very grateful that we both agree that divorce is never an option. How easy would it be when we have arguments to just let one of them open a door that can't be shut?
I forget sometimes to speak to Tyler in his love language, I give him what I want and he gives me what he wants when we need to provide what the other wants. It's my goal to make him laugh (like I did with my Six Month Plan Post, he got a kick out of my "subtle hints!"), to serve him, to make him feel loved and respected.
It can be so easy to forget to do the little things that make someone feel loved. Especially when you have kids and your whole world shifts to focus on them.
If you are looking for some good books check out Karen Kingsbury. She's a fantastic author! And remember to tell your spouse how much you mean to them in their love language, it'll be much better understood and accepted if you do!

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