Friday, January 21, 2011

My Baby's growing up... how about another?

My daughter is growing up... :(
I need to start going through her clothes... After Tyler gave Lucy a bath last he put on a 0-3 month sleeper sack and it barely went past her knees... she's not chubby so clothes aren't really tight around but length wise she's getting too tall! It makes me sad thinking that she is growing so fast! I just boxed up her newborn sized clothes and now the 0-3 are well on their way to being put in storage tubs too...sigh.
Am I the only one who wishes that kids came with remotes so you could use the pause button on their lives so they could stay little for just a little longer?

I have a hard time thinking she's grown up so much. I swear she hasn't changed at all then when I look at hospital pictures I'm baby's growing up...
So, just because I can here's a few pictures of my adorable daughter:
She was mad at me for putting her hat on- it was -1 out this morning
so she was going to wear it no matter how much she screamed!

She didn't mind it once it was on it was just a matter of getting it put on that she didn't like!

Lately, Tyler has been talking lately about when we should start considering having another one. I won't lie, some days I have baby fever and then other days I think about going through labor all over again and I'm pretty much completely freaked out by the thought. Don't get me wrong it wasn't horribly traumatic or anything but  the pain of labor and recovery are still too fresh in my mind sometimes to even want to consider it. We have however agreed to more seriously consider late summer/early fall depending on our health insurance and if we're covered on maternity then or not. I don't want to be an older mom, I want a chance to enjoy my kids and spend time with them and have the energy to keep up with them. Plus we don't want them to be super far apart in age. My hope is however to be well on our way with Lucy being potty trained by the time the next one makes his/her appearance.
So, here's my question for all you moms...Does the fear/anxiety over labor go away after awhile? Does the thought of it get easier? How is labor the second time around?
On the bright side I am looking forward to decorating another room and picking out names!  I'm pretty sure we have narrowed it down to Hunter David or LeAnn Marie...I'm not sold on the spelling of LeAnn though I've looked at several different spelling options and I'm leaning toward it being my favorite though.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend and I will see you back on Monday morning!

1 comment:

  1. The thought of labor and recovery do go away over time. I am pregnant with our second now and while I a little scared what this labor will be like I know that once it is done I will love the end result.
