Okay, there WAS a mouse in our house. I was going to the bathroom (trust me not the prime moment to notice a mouse is in your house you want to freak out and then realize you're still peeing...haha!) Also, keep in mind it was about 11:30 or so and Tyler was very very asleep... that will set you up with the following humor:
Okay, so I'm going to the bathroom and I hear something move in our bathroom closet, I figure hey, it's probably just something settling...then, I heard it again thought to myself hey wouldn't that be crazy if there was a mouse? Then...I glanced over...mid-pee and there he was (I don't really know if it was a boy or girl I was too freaked out to care so just go with me when I say he :) )
"What? A mouse? What am I supposed to do about it?"
"Tyler!!!! Get in here! There's a mouse!!"
"I'm sleeping, what?"
"Oh good grief what am I supposed to do about it?!"
"Ugh" he finally rolls out of bed..."what are you talking about?"
"There is a freaking mouse in our bathroom closet."
"No there isn't."
He glances down, "Holy shit! there's a mouse in the closet! How am I supposed to get it?"
"I don't know! Oh, Use a cup! trap it in the cup."
At this point the mouse is running trying to hide behind things and Tyler's slowly emptying the closet.
So he finally catches the mouse under the cup and we then have to figure out how to get the mouse out because the cup is on top of it...Tyler slides a piece of cardboard under the edge of the cup and shakes it up and down to make sure the mouse is really in there. Thennnn...he decides to debate on what to do with it, set it free or kill it? (Well it's little and kinda cute honestly so I tell him not to kill it!) So we decide to go out the front porch and toss it off the side of the cliff (yes there really is a cliff next to our house (like 50ft drop off) and below are the river bottoms.)
Finally it's gone. Thank the Lord...however I then spent most of the night freaking out that there would be a mouse in our bed...And this morning our dog's tail skimmed over my arm and I freaked out! Haha!
So, now we are debating how the mouse got in and why we even had a mouse in the house...Here are the reasons we came up with:
#1- This is the first year we've lived here and haven't had any cats to keep them away.
#2- The river bottoms are flooding out with all the rain and melting snow so all the animals (including mice) have come up to avoid the water...
#3- Tyler left the patio door in our bedroom open the other night while he was trying out his goose call. It was only a couple mins but that's all the little guy needed. Luckily he didn't find his way upstairs he stuck to our bedroom/bathroom...
So, I blame Tyler, our lack of ability to keep cats around this place, and mother nature for my late night mid-pee mouse freak-out.
And, thank you mouse for giving me a reason to deep clean my bathroom closet like I've been avoiding...
Well, I hope that made you laugh!
I would have freak out to. That would scare the crap out of me and especially mid pee. I would be afraid he would have ran up just to scare me more.