Snow suit perfection:
She wasn't exactly happy about it....
But by gosh she was adorable in that snow suit!
And Pardon the weird family photo where we all have our eyes either closed or extremely close to closed!
I've been itching to get her picture taken with the snow and I finally got to. She got all bundled up and was out side for about four pictures and then we went back in haha!
Anyway, that was our saturday- I worked that morning. My youth group was selling sub sandwiches on super bowl sunday so we made them that morning. Then we spent the day with my in-laws and then went to the basketball game that night. Lucy is really starting to get into her sports!
Then came Sunday. Lucy got to wear her dress and even shoes for church! We were greeters and Lucy was extremely popular! She was super cute...she may or may not have spit up on the floor and there is now a baby puke stain in our church narthex that I will smile at every time I see it :) It's our little secret!
Wasn't she cute? The shoes made her feet look huge but by gosh they were adorable!
Then we went over to the Metzger/Montgomery Super Bowl Party (well, after Lucy and I took a delightfully long nap in the afternoon- almost 2 hours!) While there she got to hang out with her cousin Brody where they didn't hold hands but...they held each other's sleeves and it was cuuuuute!:
Adorable right?
And to give you a small recap of friday too here's Lucy playing on her activity mat attempting to roll over and giving me a silly look for taking her picture:
I can't tell if she was more irritated, surprised by the flash or if she was farting when I took this picture! Honestly, it was probably all three!
She's three month's old today and it's both blowing my mind and freaking me out...she's growing up way too fast already...I suppose I better schedule her 3 month pictures soon!
Well, I hope you all had a great weekend!
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