Monday, April 23, 2012

Your favorite toddler things!

Since I will soon be able to stay home with Lucy I have been building a list of all the fun random things I want to do with her. I want her childhood to be filled with everything from lazy rainy days to she's-had-so-much-fun-she-can't-stay-awake days!

So here is my question for you... What are some of your favorite toddler(ish) activities that you suggest we try out?

After all I want her to grow up knowing summers are fun, for adventures and for growing her imagination!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Book Review- 'Have a New Husband by Friday' by Kevin Leman- Part 1

Did you know gives away free books? Well they do and sometimes they are really good ones!

Anyway, I was looking around one day at their free books and this one was offered so I figured hey, why not even if it sucks maybe I can learn something!

I've so far read about half of it and there is a few major points that I have had to remind myself of that I really appreciated being reminded of...
The first is what I wanted to share today... "here's the catch- your husband won't do his part until you do."

Okay, I know this concept won't be appreciated by everyone but, this is what it had been reminding me...
I can't expect anything from my husband if I'm not willing to give also. It's that vicious cycle that if I don't respect him he won't respect/love me.
I can keep us stuck in a vicious cycle or I can just step up and honor him.
Don't get me wrong I try very hard to respect/love him and we work very well together but as every couple does we do have some moments...
Since i will be a stay at home mom soon I know that I need to work even harder to show him my respect and appreciation. He will be the main bread winner and I need to express my appreciation for the money he brings home, the house we share, the time we spend together. I want him to know that I don't take for granted how hard he works to provide for our family.
I may not always like/agree with my husband but I know he deserves to be respected and appreciated and instead of being upset about something I will intentionally begin looking for more ways to praise him...after all I want him to know that I am and always will be his biggest cheerleader and supporter!
I am so very grateful for the gift that he is in my life. God had truly blessed me with my husband and I hope and pray that I daily I have the courage to treat my husband as the gift he is.
Anyway that's part one of the review! Have you read this book if so what did you think?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reese's - A New Family Favorite!

I have a confession to make... My family has a serious sweet tooth. I can't find everything to come up with a dinner on the fly out of my pantry but boy I definitely always have plenty of things to make at least 10 different desserts... Clearly I have my priorities straight at the grocery store, haha!
Anyway I have recently discovered this recipe (thanks to pinterest!) and it was a hit! So, I thought I would pass along the goodness!

These are the directions (straight from the source!):

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (Only Better)

1 1/2 cups Graham Cracker crumbs (I buy the store bought crushed but you can always crush your own grahm crackers).
3 1/4 cups Powdered Sugar
1 1/2 cups Peanut Butter
1 cups salted Butter, melted
1 bag (12 oz) Chocolate Chips, semi sweet
1-2 tablespoons of butter

1. Combine the graham cracker crumbs and the powdered sugar.
2. Add the peanut butter and the melted butter and mix well.
3. Pour the mixture into a 9X13 pan and stick it in the freezer for 20 minutes.
4. While the peanut butter mixture is cooling, you can microwave or use a double boiler to melt your chocolate chips and 1-2 tablespoons of butter. I personally just throw the chips and butter in a microwaveable glass bowl and microwave 30 seconds on high, stir and repeat until they are melted. Works perfectly every time.
5. Pour the chocolate over the peanut butter mixture and spread evenly. Put the bars in the fridge and when the chocolate is set take out and cut yourself a little piece, and then get ready to take a short jaunt to heaven!!

Go here for the official recipe, pictures and all!:

I am telling you they are wonderful!

What are some of your favorite easy go to desserts? I would love to try them out add and new options to our recipe book!

Ps. I didn't cut them up like this we usually just dig them right out if the pan, haha!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Motherhood Fears

Okay, I am about unleash my inner fears...bear with me because let's be honest public speaking is at the top of my list quickly followed by parenting.

Yes, I said it I am afraid of completely screwing up my children. And as much as I have dreamed of being able to be a stay at home mom it terrifies me. Is that weird? Yes? Okay, let me explain...

I have no excuses. I can't blame the sitter, they crazy kids she is around or anyone else. It's all on me and the crazy genetics my husband I shared with her.

If she is rude, demanding and obnoxious I have no one to blame besides myself for her attitude/behavior! Yes, I totally realize that she is only 18 months old but still that just scares me. Irrational? Quite possibly...

I am afraid I will not be patient or I will be too strict. Seriously who cares if she makes a mess of the house if she's happy and safe? Well, I do because I am obnoxious like that sometimes.

I want to be a fun creative laid back mom that fully present in the life if my daughter. I don't want to be distant or ignore her. I want her to grow up feeling loved and cared for. I want her to have millions of fun memories to look back on. And as scary as it might be to be a mom, I am grateful to have the chance to be the one that shares those moments with her...

I mean seriously who wouldn't want to remember her dirty socks and ornery smile from when she gets caught playing in the dirt?! Who wouldn't want to see her discover and proudly point out her belly button?! As scared as I am I am grateful to have this little girl call me momma... It is one of my life's greatest blessings from God!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Beginning!

Well, last Thursday I turned in my resignation from the church. This was an extremely difficult decision but one I feel very excited about! I will no longer be missing out on the life if my daughter and husband! It truly is a blessing to be able to stay home with Lucy. I have been making lists like a crazy person of things I can't wait to do with her this summer! Our first experiment was homemade finger paints! She had a blast! (thank you pinterest for the directions!)

Here is a sneak peek of an upcoming project I am working on: I am making a kitchen for Lucy it's starting off looking like this: and will hopefully end up pretty cute!

My last day at my job will be May 9 so I might be a little spastic on posting until after that but, I am excited to have a way to document our lives through this blog! Hopefully I will get to make some fun changes and updates to this ol' blog soon! I am excited to show you pictures and to begin documenting our new home life! I hope you enjoy going on this journey with us as we figure out life!