Okay, I'll admit it, I've blogged before and I've pretty much failed at keeping up at it however this time I'd like to think I'll be better. So bear with me and hopefully I'll actually become a dedicated blogger. So what's the point of my blog? I'm not really sure if there is one yet but basically it's about my attempts at being a wife, mother, and youth pastor. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful 5 1/2 week old baby girl. This will mainly be about my experiences as a wife and mommy with bits of my job experiences thrown in. So here it goes day one of blogging.
Christmas! It's my most favorite time of year! I love the snow, I love the cold weather, I love wearing warm comfy clothes and snuggling on the couch. I love buying gifts to give and seeing the joy on the faces of those I've taken my time carefully buying for. Today, my husband's big gift arrives. This year I went in on a gun cabinet him along with my in-laws. It's a pretty big purchase but, with now having a daughter I hate that all his hunting stuff is scattered around the house so now it will all be safely locked away and he is going to love it! He has no idea that it's arriving today and when he get's home from a cold day of work to find a giant over-sized box waiting for him he's going to be pretty excited! However before this said gun cabinet is allowed to enter the house I have bunches to do.
Being a mom of a 5 week old doesn't often allow you much time to get things done. Lucy, my daughter, I've decided has a keen sense of when I'm about to start working on something or am half way done doing something and will cry her poor little head off if I don't hold her and cuddle just how she might prefer. So, my goals for the day are to address and send out our Christmas photo cards, wrap all the presents and hide my husband's stocking stuffers (he has a tendency of "accidentally" finding anything that isn't wrapped), and put away the massive pile of laundry that has been steadily growing to the size of a small mountain.
Now, does this all have to be done because the gun cabinet is arriving? No, sadly, I start back to work next week. Which I am struggling with greatly. My baby girl will be going to day care 3 1/2-4 days a week and it's breaking my heart. I wish with all my heart I could be a stay at home mommy and take care of my husband's bookkeeping for his business but for now, it's back to work I go. I hate that we're dependent upon my income right now. Tyler's business is still new (he opened Montgomery Electric back in March/April and it's growing like crazy but we still need my check too...)
So, anyway, pardon my next few posts I'll probably share my nervous breakdowns about having someone else take care of my baby!
Well that's it for now, wish me luck and hopefully I'll get everything crossed off my list of things to do!
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